14 research outputs found

    The Virtual Quantum Device (VQD): A tool for detailed emulation of quantum computers

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    We present the Virtual Quantum Device (VQD) platform, a system based on the QuEST quantum emulator. Through the use of VQDs, non-expert users can emulate specific quantum computers with detailed error models, bespoke gate sets and connectivities. The platform boasts an intuitive interface, powerful visualisation, and compatibility with high-performance computation for effective testing and optimisation of complex quantum algorithms or ideas across a range of quantum computing hardware. We create and explore five families of VQDs corresponding to trapped ions, nitrogen-vacancy-centres, neutral atom arrays, silicon quantum dot spins, and superconducting devices. Each is highly configurable through a set of tailored parameters. We showcase the key characteristics of each virtual device, providing practical examples of the tool's usefulness and highlighting each device's specific attributes. By offering user-friendly encapsulated descriptions of diverse quantum hardware, the VQD platform offers researchers the ability to rapidly explore algorithms and protocols in a realisitic setting; meanwhile hardware experts can create their own VQDs to compare with their experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, comments are welcom


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    Kepedulian masyarakat mengenai kesehatan semakin berkembang, dibuktikan dengan banyaknya penelitian mengenai antibakteri khususnya pada material tekstil. Penambahan finishing agent antibakteri pada kain kapas akan mencegah tumbuhnya bakteri yang akan menimbulkan bau, gatal, dll pada kulit yang bersentuhan langsung dengan kain. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan zat aktif antibakteri dari ekstrak biji pinang pada kain kapas. Kain kapas antibakteri ini dibuat dari kain kapas yang dilapisi larutan ekstrak biji pinang (variasi konsentrasi 1 g/l, 5 g/l dan 10 g/l) dan binding agent (variasi jenis agent polivinil alkohol, poliuretan dan binder 722). Proses pelapisan dilakukan menggunakan metoda rendam peras-pemanasawetan (pad-dry-cure) dan hasil proses dibandingkan dengan kain kapas blanko. Karakterisasi pada kain hasil proses meliputi pengamatan morfologi (SEM), analisa gugus fungsi (FTIR) dan uji aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pinang dapat digunakan sebagai antibakteri pada kain kapas, berdasarkan hasil uji antibakteri. Binder 722 merupakan crosslinking agent yang paling baik untuk mengikat pinang pada kain, hal ini dapat dilihat dari efektivitas dan durabilitasnya dalam mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri. Setelah 9 kali pencucian rumah tangga, efisiensi pencegahan pertumbuhan bakteri E. coli hanya menurun dari 99,5% menjadi 97,4% dan S. aureus menurun dari 95,1% menjadi 92,2%. Dari hasil SEM kain tanpa pinang terlihat tidak ada partikel yang menempel. Semakin besar konsentrasi ekstrak pinang, maka makin banyak pinang yang menempel pada kain. Dari hasil uji FTIR dapat dilihat adanya puncak serapan pada pangan gelombang 1579 dan 1502 cm-1, yang menunjukkan adanya pinang yang menempel pada kain yang telah diproses


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    Pada proses pencapan tekstil diperlukan zat pembantu berupa pengental untuk menghantarkan warna pada kain. Beberapa pengental alam dapat digunakan untuk proses pencapan tersebut salah satu diantaranya adalan gum xanthan. Gum xanthan dapat diperoleh dari aktivitas mikroorganisme dengan diberikan nutrisi yang mencukupi untuk pertumbuhannya, seperti sumber karbon dan nitrogen. Sumber karbon dapat diperoleh dari ampas tahu sisa dari kegiatan industri pembuatan tahu. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan ampas tahu sisa dari proses pembuatan tahu di industri tahu rumahan, sebagai substrat dalam produksi gum xanthan oleh bakteri Xanthomonas campestris. Gum xanthan yang dihasilkan dicoba sebagai pengental pada proses tekstil dengan melihat sifat-sifat dari pengental diantaranya viskositas, dilihat gugus-gugus fungsional gum xanthan dengan analisis FTIR, melihat morfologi gum xanthan serbuk menggunakan SEM, kadar air, kadar abu, derajat putih dan kekakuan kain. Hasil dari Penelitian ini diperoleh gum xanthan sebanyak 35 g/L pada kondisi konsentrasi tepung ampas tahu sebanyak 2% (b/v), penambahan sukrosa 1% (b/v), volume kultur bakteri Xanthomonas campestris sebanyak 20% (v/v) dan proses fermentasi yang dilakukan selama 5 hari. Dari hasil tersebut membuktikan bahwa bakteri Xanthomonas campestris mampu mengkonversi gula menjadi gum xanthan maksimal sebesar 87,5%. Dari hasil karaktisasi derajat putih dan kekakuan kain, gum xanthan dari tepung ampas tahu dapat digunakan sebagai pengental pada proses tekstil baik untuk serat sintetis maupun serat alam


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    Penggunaan zat tahan api pada tekstil yang bersifat ramah lingkungan sangat diperlukan untuk menggantikan zat tahan api yang bersifat toksik. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan aplikasi kitosan-fosfat sebagai zat tahan api yang bersifat ramah lingkungan untuk meningkatkan sifat tahan api kain kapas. Metode penelitian meliputi  pelapisan kitosan dan amonium polifosfat  pada kain kapas yang dilakukan dengan 2 tahapan proses. Tahap 1 pelapisan kitosan pada serat kapas dengan cara perendaman, dilanjutkan tahap 2 pelapisan amonium polifosfat pada kain kapas yang telah mengandung kitosan dengan cara pad-dry-cure.  Evaluasi dan pengujian dilakukan terhadap sifat tahan api kain kapas sebelum dan sesudah diproses dengan kitosan dan amonium polifosfat dengan metode SNI 0989:2011, uji morfologi permukaan kain kapas menggunakan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), serta uji sifat termal kain kapas menggunakan TGA. Melalui 2 tahap proses pelapisan kitosan dan amonium polifosfat pada kain kapas, diperoleh kain kapas yang bersifat tahan api dengan kondisi optimum pelapisan kitosan 1% dan amonium polifosfat 2%. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa waktu perambatan nyala api 0 detik, dekomposisi termal pada temperatur 298oC jauh lebih rendah daripada kain kapas kontrol yaitu 374oC, dan pada temperatur 500oC menyisakan residu sampel sebesar 38,7% jauh lebih besar dibandingkan residu kain kapas kontrol sebesar 8,9%. Penurunan temperatur dekomposisi termal dan peningkatan jumlah residu pada sampel kain kitosan-fosfat menunjukkan bahwa kain kapas kitosan-fosfat hasil penelitian ini telah tebukti memiliki sifat tahan api

    Blind oracular quantum computation : from concept to physical implementation

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    Recent years have seen much excitement for application of quantum computing, triggered by substantial — and ongoing — advances in experimental realizations of quantum computing. It is widely believed that client-server is the setting for quantum computers that will prevail in the future, where privacy becomes crucial in the application. Moreover, a recent experiment by Barz et al. [1] successfully demonstrated a blind quantum computation scheme: a client-server quantum computation in which a client with limited quantum power controls the execution of a quantum computation on a powerful server, without revealing valuable details of the computation. In this thesis, we discuss the Blind Oracular Quantum Computation (BOQC) scheme, a blind quantum computing scheme in which a third party (the oracle)with limited quantum power, assists the execution of a client’s oracular quantum computations by implementing oracle evaluations. In BOQC, a client with limited quantum power and without the capacity to construct the oracle, can delegate her oracular quantum computations to a powerful yet untrustworthy server, with the help of the oracle. We show that BOQC is provably blind within a composable definition such that the server cannot learn about the clients’ computation. We provide a realization of BOQC in a physical setting, particularly in a diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center platform. In BOQC, the server has a One-Way Quantum Computer (1WQC) that is resource-demanding. To lower the resource-requirements, we develop the BOQCo protocol, a BOQC that employs lazy 1WQC to minimize the number of qubits needed. We also provide systematic numerical optimization to find resource states that are BOQC-compatible by admitting BOQC security criteria. Finally, we give explicit oracular quantum algorithms that are BOQC-compatible to be executed on the NV-center platform. The algorithms include 2-qubit Grover’s algorithm using three qubits, 3-qubit exact Grover’s algorithm using four qubits, 2-qubit Simon’s algorithm with a useless oracle using four qubits, and Deutsch’s algorithm using three physical qubits. We hope that these BOQC algorithms intrigue some experimentalists to try to implement them.[1] S. Barz et al. “Demonstration of Blind Quantum Computing”. In: Science 335.6066 (2012), pp. 303–308

    Classifying Skewed Lattices for Quantum Cluster Calculations

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    Practical calculations for infinite lattices are limited to finite systems, usually supercells with periodic boundary conditions. We intend to study such supercells by systematically enumerating all inequivalent choices of a given size using the Hermite normal form. Using the symmetries of the underlying lattice, we eliminate supercells that are equivalent by symmetry. With the help of integer-matrix methods like the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lováz (LLL) algorithm, we reduce a given basis to its most compact form and analyze its properties using the criteria given by Betts and collaborators. We finally turn to the properties in k-space and investigate the tight-binding states on the clusters using periodic, antiperiodic, and open boundary conditions

    Blind oracular quantum computation

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    In the standard oracle model, an oracle efficiently evaluates an unknown classical function independent of the quantum algorithm itself. Quantum algorithms have a complex interrelationship to their oracles; for example the possibility of quantum speedup is affected by the manner by which oracles are implemented. Therefore, it is physically meaningful to separate oracles from their quantum algorithms, and we introduce one such separation here. We define the blind oracular quantum computation (BOQC) scheme, in which the oracle is a distinct node in a quantum network. Our work augments the client–server setting of quantum computing, in which a powerful quantum computer server is available on the network for discreet use by clients on the network with low quantum power. In BOQC, an oracle is another client that cooperates with the main client so that an oracular quantum algorithm is run on the server. The cooperation between the main client and the oracle takes place (almost) without communication. We prove BOQC to be blind: the server cannot learn anything about the clients' computation. This proof is performed within the composable security definitions provided by the formalism of abstract cryptography. We enhance the BOQC scheme to be runnable with minimal physical qubits when run on a solid-state quantum network; we prove that this scheme, which we refer to as BOQCo (BOQC-optimized), possesses the same security as BOQC

    Exploiting subspace constraints and ab initio variational methods for quantum chemistry

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    Variational methods offer a highly promising route to exploiting quantum computers for chemistry tasks. Here we employ methods described in a sister paper to the present report, entitled exploring ab initio machine synthesis of quantum circuits , in order to solve problems using adaptively evolving quantum circuits. Consistent with prior authors we find that this approach can outperform human-designed circuits such as the coupled-cluster or hardware-efficient ansätze, and we make comparisons for larger instances up to 14 qubits Moreover we introduce a novel approach to constraining the circuit evolution in the physically relevant subspace, finding that this greatly improves performance and compactness of the circuits. We consider both static and dynamics properties of molecular systems. The emulation environment used is QuESTlink all resources are open source and linked from this paper